Friday, December 19, 2008
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Thursday, November 13, 2008
::WeDDiNg AnnOuNceMenT::
Attention please!! guys are cordially invited to my wedding ceremony on 6 of December 2008..theme color 'fushia' or purple pink..Please leave me your address so i can post it to you.. I'm getting married to a wonderful man named Mohd Hafizal bin Mohd Isa a.k.a Pitt.. pray for us and wish us luck for our next future ahead.. Thank you!

My Life
Thursday, November 6, 2008
::TeeNy BoppErS SonG::
'when your feelin' sad and low..we will take you where you wanna go'.. remember that lyrics??.. just wanna freshin' up my mind and memorizing my teeny boppers song.. my fav teeny boppers song is of course Spice Girls, N sync ( you!), Backstreetboys, 911 and many i couldn't remember all......what yours? really missed my teenage moment.. screaming when backstreetboys music video came out on TV..hihi..which character of Spice Girl u wanna be?...i want to look posh like posh spice..and sexy like ginger spice.. ;)
I don't know whether u guys remember 911 or not..but this group is one of my fav boy band..songs like 'the day we find love' and 'body shaking' i can play this song 100 times a day.. :).. it is sad when some of this band announced that they saperated and move along with their own way.. by the way..
' YOU GUYS RAWK!!!!!!!'
Spice girl video music.. ENJOY!

' YOU GUYS RAWK!!!!!!!'
Spice girl video music.. ENJOY!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
::FiNdInG a PErFeCt HeNNa::
Finding a perfect henna is like finding a perfect partner..can we compare henna with our soul mate?..nope!..actually I'm trying to find a perfect henna for my lovely cousin who getting married last Friday.. you can see the result from the picture above..although its a little messy..but i think i got talent..(standing ovation...please) hihi.. this tube henna only last long for 2 to 3 days..Henna is part of wedding ceremony..the bride and groom must wear it.. but the groom only wear it for three fingers for each hand.. there goes a little info of henna..enjoy!
My Life
Thursday, October 16, 2008
::OpEn HoUse @ ReSiDence Hotel::

My Life
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Friday, October 10, 2008
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
::DiyaNa's BacheloRette ParTy!!!!!::

Menu on list??

We only chit chat..and sharing information..laughing all the time...being photograph by faisal with his new camera..hihi..well, its been a while we didn't see each other although we all living and working in the same state..busy with each other personal activities.. a moment like this is good that u can always remember your friends..
Thanks Diyana for the treat..Hope u will live happily ever after with your loved one..
My Life
Sunday, September 14, 2008
::CuTe FiSh SpA::

::info::This cute fish is Garra rufa fish..if i'm not mistaken::

Health Info,
My Life
Saturday, September 13, 2008
::SniPPed Of Batam::

My Life,
Travel Indonesia
Friday, September 12, 2008
::Special Treat Of Ramadan::
Today, all GACOS team berbuka puasa at Kak ija and Cyn's house. Rendang kerang...sambal belacan...kuih muih...are on the menu...yummy!..sedap Kak Ija masak. Other than that, we all also berbuka with our new sister 'Alya Amani'..welcome to Islam..hope she can get through Ramadan easily and 'mendapat keberkatan dari-Nya'..
My Life
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
::EnJoYing RamaDan::
Just dropped by to wish Happy fasting to all Muslim out there... everybody are enjoying their 'pasar ramadan' with varieties of foods..all the kuew tiaw..ayam golek...roti john...murtabak...emm...yummyy....
me...i enjoying my ramadan by berbuka with my beloved family at home..hihi..
other than that, can't wait to celebrate hari raya with my loved one..
me...i enjoying my ramadan by berbuka with my beloved family at home..hihi..

My Life
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Saturday, June 28, 2008
::FiRsT WeDdiNg CeReMoNy::
Aloha! Hi guys..first of all i would like to dedicate this post to my dearest beloved sister 'Angah' for her wedding..Congrats Angah!.. This is the first wedding of my family..Menantu pertama..Huhu.. Well, for the first wedding of the family of course it is a 'hard work' to do.. with no experience and unexpected thing will be happen..but everything went well that day..Alhamdulillah..
21 June 2008, the precious date for this newly wed 'Angah and her hubby Mohd Shah'. Here's some picture for those who missed the event of the wedding ceremony and akad nikah.
My Life
Thursday, June 19, 2008
::My LoVe::
Dear B,
I LoVe U..
U are my everything and I pray that our love will last forever..
I Miss U..
Thanks for the song Sayang!
There is only one happiness in life, to love and be loved.~ George Sand
My Life
Monday, June 9, 2008
::SaVe MoNEy, SaVe FuEL::
Money…Money…money…its all about the is the time to save our money coz the fuel price increase to rm2.70. Use public transport? Is that the best solution..hmm..for me who lived on suburb it is hard to reach the public transportation and if I manage to do that I will be off by my house at 4.00 am in the morning..haha..The first day the announcement of the fuel price, all Malaysian people panic and rush to the nearest petrol station and hoping that they can buy the rm1.92 for the last time.. I went back home and just what I expected.. Traffic jam!..I kept wondering that time, if I queue just like everyone else that time could I save my money or just waste’s at least 2km queue to reach the petrol station. Not counting the ‘stupid people’ who cutting queue.. So I made my decision straight to my home.

How to save money and fuel?
""Less usage of air conditioner""
--I've tried it and it work!--
""Change to NGV""
--My friend said it's cheaper than petrol--
""Use public transport"" worked for people who lived near to LRT station...not for me..thank you!--
""Use Mini car''
--I'm glad coz I drove mini tiny car...although I still have to use petrol but I think it's cheaper--
"" Use Motorcycle""
--Hmm...I need to think about this one..coz i'm a lady...not safe for me to use motorbike...long distance!--
""Less usage of air conditioner""
--I've tried it and it work!--
""Change to NGV""
--My friend said it's cheaper than petrol--
""Use public transport"" worked for people who lived near to LRT station...not for me..thank you!--
""Use Mini car''
--I'm glad coz I drove mini tiny car...although I still have to use petrol but I think it's cheaper--
"" Use Motorcycle""
--Hmm...I need to think about this one..coz i'm a lady...not safe for me to use motorbike...long distance!--
''Car pooling''
--This sharing thing just work for people who lived near to each other and work at the same building..not for me!--
""Move near to your work place""
--That's sound convenient!--
""Speed less than 100km per hour""
--This suggestion is good for saving money and lives. Why? coz less speeding convey less potential of accident and less usage of petrol and result save more money...more money for SHOPPING!--
""Check your tyre frequently""
--Tyre is the important part of the car..without it your car can't check your tyre before starting your journey..--
""Last but not least""
--ask your boss for your dream!--
--This sharing thing just work for people who lived near to each other and work at the same building..not for me!--
""Move near to your work place""
--That's sound convenient!--
""Speed less than 100km per hour""
--This suggestion is good for saving money and lives. Why? coz less speeding convey less potential of accident and less usage of petrol and result save more money...more money for SHOPPING!--
""Check your tyre frequently""
--Tyre is the important part of the car..without it your car can't check your tyre before starting your journey..--
""Last but not least""
--ask your boss for your dream!--
Please add more of your suggestion to save our money and save fuel at my comment section, thank you!
My Life
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
::WeDDiNG MaDnEss::
A year of 2008, some said that this is the best year of wedding.. is that true??..almost every week i attend wedding ceremony..last weekend i went to pahang to attend my friend wedding..Congrats to Faisal and his wiffy Laila..i hope u guys lived happily ever after..forever and ever..

My Life
Friday, May 23, 2008
I had the best weekend ever for a long time...huhu...thanks to my friends who made my day.. (Jaa, Nida, Een, Booi, Dean, Mas, Yus and Azhar) Kareoke for two days...all out...(menangis randy, paula n simon dengar kami semua nyanyi..huhu..STANDING OVATION). By the way, suka sangat dengar Dean nyanyi 'Jangan Bersedih Lagi'...Diva sangat!.. and for the first time Nida sing....huhu...pecah rekod...after that, Barbeque at nida's house (gelak sampai tak ingat dunia...haha best giler)...celebrating 26th jaa's birthday...Happy birthday Jaa!..surprise party lagi dekat Quan cafe and Ice Cream...githcuuu...hiwrisss semua tgk :).. (ayat baru dari Dean and Booi).. Lastly, kami hang out ke Pavilion KL..Makan J.CO Donuts and Coffee..Yummmmy..
What i've learned for these two days 'good friend is the person who gives you the better of the two choices, hold your hand when you're scared, helps you fight off those who try to take advantage of you, thinks of you at times when you are not there, reminds you of what you have forgotten, helps you put the past behind you but understands when you need to hold on to it a little longer, stays with you so that you have confidence, goes out of their way to make time for you, helps you clear up your mistakes, helps you deal with pressure from others, smiles for you when they are sad, helps you become a better person, and most importantly loves you!'

"A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out"
My Life
Thursday, May 8, 2008
::My MoM iS My EverythinG::
Dear ibu..

..I Love u..
...Thank u for taking care of me...
...U r da greatest Mom ever...
..I'm really sorry if i ever hurt your feeling..
..U r da best gift that God gave to me in my entire life..
..You r the queen of my heart..
...Happy Mother's Day...
..11th May..
You taught me everything
And everything youve given me
I always keep it inside
Youre the driving force in my life
There isn't anything
Or anyone I can be
And it just wouldn't feel right
If I didn't have you by my side
You were there for me to love and care for me
When skies were grey
Whenever I was down
You were always there to comfort me
And no one else can be what you have been to me
Youll always be you always will be the girl
In my life for all times
mama you know I love you
mama youre the queen of my heart
Your love is like
Tears from the stars
Mama, I just want you to know
Lovin you is like food to my soul
Youre always down for me
Have always been around for me even when I was bad
You showed me right from my wrong
And you took up for me
When everyone was down in me
You always did understand
You gave me strength to go on
There was so many times
Looking back when I was so afraid
And then you come to me
And say to me I can face anything
And no one else can do
What you have done for me
You'll always be
You will always be the girl in my life
...Thank u for taking care of me...
...U r da greatest Mom ever...
..I'm really sorry if i ever hurt your feeling..
..U r da best gift that God gave to me in my entire life..
..You r the queen of my heart..
...Happy Mother's Day...
..11th May..
You taught me everything
And everything youve given me
I always keep it inside
Youre the driving force in my life
There isn't anything
Or anyone I can be
And it just wouldn't feel right
If I didn't have you by my side
You were there for me to love and care for me
When skies were grey
Whenever I was down
You were always there to comfort me
And no one else can be what you have been to me
Youll always be you always will be the girl
In my life for all times
mama you know I love you
mama youre the queen of my heart
Your love is like
Tears from the stars
Mama, I just want you to know
Lovin you is like food to my soul
Youre always down for me
Have always been around for me even when I was bad
You showed me right from my wrong
And you took up for me
When everyone was down in me
You always did understand
You gave me strength to go on
There was so many times
Looking back when I was so afraid
And then you come to me
And say to me I can face anything
And no one else can do
What you have done for me
You'll always be
You will always be the girl in my life
My Life
Thursday, April 17, 2008
::My BiRtHDAY::

Happy Birthday to me....
Happy Birthday to me....
Happy Birthday to Iryd...
Happy Birthday to meeeeee....
My 25th Birthday.....first of all i would like to thank to all my wonderful friends jaa, boii, didie, ina, bob, kak ija, enal, hajar, jim bates, and others i'm sorry if i didn't put your name (long list).... for those birthday wishes....i really REALLY appreciate it... and my beloved boy 'Pitt' who sang to me on my birthday...and also Nida(sedap suara nida huhu)....hihi...thanks....
My supportive colleagues 'The dazzling Nora' and 'the Devil Jalil' who celebrated my birthday with the 'YUMMY LA BOHEME CAKE'...Thank you guys....
My wish on my 25th birthday...hmmmm...hope to be a great daughter for my parents.... be a good person for my country a good woman for my man.... wishing that all my sin and mistake i've made in the past will be vamoose and start my new day with the new me...
My Life
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