
Last month me and all my colleagues went to Batam, Indonesia. Here some information of Batam that i can we all of u guys..
The popular icon of Batam Indonesia is Barelang bridge..this bridge connected with 7 other island encompassing Batam Island.. At Indonesia, most popular cultural show is 'kuda lumping'..i see the show..that guy ate glass...scary..no blood...nothing came out from his mouth..huhuhu...All of us stay at Batam View Beach Resort..fantastic hotel with a good service provided..i actually lost my camera once...not actually lost..I actually dropped it at couch in the lobby..but the workers of Batam View Beach Resort recognize the camera was mine..and they return it back to me..huhu...Great job!
The food is delicious..
Seafood is popular in Batam..especially
gong gong which is actually a snail..if u ate this gong gong it taste similar to 'siput sedut' but i think gong gong is more delicious..thats all i can share with all of u guys..thanks for reading..ADIOS!